전공배정 신청서
Application for Assigning Majors
2018년 1학기 수료유예원 양식
2018 first semester Application for postponing completion
학부과목 및 타 전공 이수 승인신청서(대학원)
Application for Approval of Undergraduate Courses and Other Majors(Graduate student)
건축학과 건축학 전공 교수의 신규임용, 재임용 및 승진임용심사 연구실적물 규정
Regulations on Newly Appointed, Reappointed, and Promoted Employment Examinations for Architecture Professors
Certificate of Attendance (report of absence)
대학생 집단연수 운영 안전 확보 메뉴얼
College Student Group Training Operation Safety Manual
국외수학 완료후 학점인정 신청 방법(귀국후)
How to apply for credit after completing overseas study (after returning home)
국외수학 신청 방법 (출국전)
How to apply for overseas study (before departure)