Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
History of SNU DAAE

History of Seoul National University Department of Architecture & Architectural Engineering

2018 건축학과 첫 전공배정 시행(건축학전공 26명, 건축공학전공 21명)
2016 건축학과 통합모집(1,2학년 통합교육 후 3학년 진학 시 전공분리)
2007 건축학 교육인증(KAAB), 건축공학 교육인증(ABEEK) 획득 (현재까지 유지)
2006 관악캠퍼스 39동으로 이전
2002 건축학(5년제)과 건축공학(4년제)으로 전공분리
1998 협공과정 도시설계협동과정 신설 참여 (건축학과, 지구환경시스템공학부, 조경학과, 환경대학원 합동)
1979 공릉동 캠퍼스에서 관악캠퍼스 35동으로 이전 (1980년 완료)
1978 공업교육과 건축학과 전공 흡수통합 / 도시공학전공 신설에 참여
1975 ‘건축공학과’에서 ‘건축학과’로 명칭 개편
1973 박사과정 신설 [최초의 박사: 주남철]
1954 한국전쟁 휴전 후 공릉동 캠퍼스로 복귀
1953 석사과정 신설 [최초의 석사: 윤정섭]
1952 전시연합대학에서 벗어나 부산시 동대신동 가교사에서 독자적 교육 실시
1948 구 경성공업전문학교 교사에서 구 경성대학 이공학부 교사로 이전 (공릉동)
1946 ‘국립서울대학교설치령’에 의해 서울대학교 공과대학 건축공학과 설립
2016 Launching of the new Joint Design/Engineering Curriculum
2012 Renewal of KAAB accreditation
2010 Renewal of ABEEK accreditation
2007 The Architectural Program and Architectural Engineering Program were accreditated by KAAB and ABEEK, respectively
2006 The Department was reloacted to Building #39 in Gwanak Campus
2002 The Department was divided into two programs: 5 Year Architecture Program and 4 Year Architectural Engineering Program
1998 The Interdisciplinary Program in Urban Design was established by participation of the Dept. of Architecture, the School of Civil, Urban, and Geosystem Engineering, the Dept. of Landscape Architecture, and the Graduate School of Environmental Studies
1979 The Department was relocated from Gongrung-dong to Gwanak Campus, Building #35
1978 The Architecture major in the course of Engineering Education was integrated into the Dept. of Architecture. / The Department participated in the foundation of the Dept. of Urban Engineering
1975 The Department was renamed from Department of Architectural Engineering to Department of Architecture
1973 The Doctoral Program was established. (the first doctoral degree awarded to Nam-Chul Joo)
1954 The Department returned to the Gongrung-dong Campus after the conclusion of the Korean War
1953 The Master Program was established. (the first master’s degree awarded to Jungsub Yun)
1952 An independent education program was initiated at the temporary school building at Dongdaeshindong in Busan, separated from the Co-worked University structure during the Korean War
1948 The Department was relocated from the former Kyungsung Vocational School of Engineering building to the School of Science & Technology building at former Kyungsung University in Gongrung-dong
1946 The Department of Architectural Engineering was formally established in the College of Engineering, Seoul National University, by the Foundation Ordinance to set up Seoul National University
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