Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering

초고층 강합성코어벽 시스템 개발 연구

Corner steel plate-reinforced core wall system


개발기술 정의
재료성능이 우수한 고강도 강판벽기둥을 코어벽 단면의 코너부에 집중보강하는 강합성코어벽시스템
개발기술 효과
(1) 철근소요량 및 벽체두께 감소 → 시공성 향상, 건축가용면적 확보
(2) 벽체 수직도 개선 및 부등축소 개선 → 시공성 향상
(3) 아웃리거 등 수평부재 연결시공성 개선 → 공사기간 단축
(4) 벽체 개구부 설치 유리
(1) 강판벽기둥 프로토타입 및 연결부 상세 개발
(2) 단위벽체에 대한 구조성능실험 수행
(3) 초고층건물 적용 및 해석적 성능 검증
(4) 강판벽 제작,설치,조립 등 시공성 및 경제성 평가
(5) 설계/시공지침서 작성
(6) 국내외 현장적용


For better structural performance and constructability, a new composite core wall system using steel plate columns at the corners of the core section was developed. When compared to traditional RC core walls, the use of the corner steel plate columns provided better structural capacity, which allows less wall thickness and re-bars. Further, due to such effects, the construction cost and time can be reduced despite the use of steel plate columns.

Development Effect

(1) Less use of re-bars and Less wall thickness → Better constructability and Larger architectural area

(2) Better construction quality (verticality, differential shortening)

(3) Better connectivity to horizontal members  → Shorter construction time

(4) Advatageous to design openings (in core walls)

Research Contents

(1) Proposition of geometric details of steel plate walls and limitations

(2) Structural tests on the proposed unit walls

(3) Application and analytical study on 3-dimensional tall buildings

(4) Evalulation of manufacturing/installation/construction

(5) Guide line for wall design

(6) Field application


Experimental study

Cyclic lateral load test of CSRC (Corner Steel-Reinforced Concrete) wall

Test purpose

Investigation of flexural/shear strength and failure modes

Applicability of existing design methods

Contribution of corner steel plates to shear strength of wall

Test results

Greater initial stiffness () and energy dissipaction capacity in CSRC wall specimens

Concentration of re-bar in section corner is unpractical due to the limits of diameter and spacing

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