Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
People Faculty & Staff

Jin Baek



Jin Baek


39동 533호


B.S., M.S. 서울대학교, 한국
M.Arch. 예일대학교, 미국
Ph.D. 펜실베이니아대학교, 미국


백진 교수는 서울대학교 공과대학 건축학과를 졸업한 후 도미하여 예일대학교에서 건축학 석사 그리고 펜실바니아 대학교에서 건축학 박사학위를 수여받았다. 서울대학교 건축학과에 부임하기 이전에 펜실바니아 주립대 및 동경대에서 연구를 진행하며 건축이론, 설계스튜디오, 건축역사에 대해 강의하였다. 현상학을 기반으로 한 건축 및 도시 이론을 연구하고 있다. 지구적 관점에서 수용 가능한 보편적 주제를 발굴하고, 이를 토대로 한국 근현대건축과 도시가 걸어온 역사적 궤적의 특수성과 위상을 해석하는 작업을 진행한다. 건축과 도시의 기저성과 윤리적 역할을 살피고, 역사, 기술, 미래도시담론 사이의 상관관계에 관해서도 탐구하고 있다. 대표 저서로는 Nothingness: Tadao Ando’s Christian Sacred Space (Routledge, 2009)와 Architecture as the Ethics of Climate (Routledge, 2016)가 있다. Architecture as the Ethics of Climate 는 『건축과 기후윤리』 (이유출판, 2023)로 한역 출간되었다. 건축에 관한 에세이 모음집 『풍경류행』 (효형출판, 2013)을 출간하기도 하였다. Architectural Research Quarterly, Journal of Architectural Education, Architectural Theory Review, Center, Philosophy East and West, Buildings, Open House International, JAABE 등 국내외 유수한 저널에 논문을 발표한 바 있다. 「건축과 현상학 International Architecture and Phenomenology Conference」, 「아시아 도시문화 Asia Cities Culture」 등 다양한 국제심포지엄을 기획하고, 국제학회의 키노트 스피커 및 초청 연사로 강의하였다. 심포지엄 「역사적 건축물의 일상성과 초월성: 舊국립부여박물관의 미래」를 기획하여 한국 근현대건축의 대표작 중 하나인 舊국립부여박물관의 새로운 미래와 가능성을 모색해보았다. 네이버 TV ‘서울대 지식교양 강연 – 생각의 열쇠, 천 개의 키워드’ 시리즈에서 「건축의 구축과 문화적 의미」, 「정의와 도시」라는 제목으로 강연을 진행하였다. 현재는 저서 『정의와 도시』를 집필 중이다. <건축도시이론연구실> 소속 연구원들과 한국 근현대 건축 및 도시의 진화와 미래, 비혈연기반 공동체 활성화를 위한 시설로서 기능하는 한중일 저소득층 공동주거의 기획 및 계획, 저소득층 임대주거, 교정시설, 장사시설 등 도시생활기반시설의 성격변화, 도시공간구조의 변동 그리고 미래, 거대도시의 공간구조 변화 및 대안도시모델개발 등 건축 및 도시 이론과 관련된 다양한 프로젝트를 진행중이다.

B.S., M.S. Seoul National University, Korea
M.Arch. Yale University, U.S.
Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, U.S.


Jin Baek earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science from Seoul National University, Master of Architecture from Yale University, and completed his Ph.D. in the history and theory of architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining the Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University, he taught theory, design studios and history at the University of South Florida, Pennsylvania State University and University of Tokyo. He is studying architectural and urban theories based on phenomenology. He is exploring universally acceptable themes from a global perspective, and based on these, he is interpreting the historical trajectory and significance of modern and contemporary Korean architecture and urban development. He is examining the foundational and ethical roles of architecture and urban planning, and also exploring the correlations between history, technology, and future urban discourses. He is the author of Nothingness: Tadao Ando’s Christian Sacred Space (Routledge, 2009), Architecture as the Ethics of Climate (Routledge, 2016) and Punggyeongryuheang (Drifting through Landscapes) (Hyohyung, 2013). His articles have been published in leading architectural and philosophical journals such as the Architectural Research Quarterly, Journal of Architectural Education, Architectural Theory Review, Center, Philosophy East and West, Buildings, Open House International, JAABE and so forth. He has organized many international symposia and conferences, including the <International Architecture and Phenomenology Conference> and <Asia Cities Culture>. He has given talks as a keynote speaker and an invited speaker at many international events. He organized a symposium titled <The Mundanity and Transcendence of Historical Buildings: The Future of the Former National Buyeo Museum>, exploring the new future and possibilities of the Former National Buyeo Museum, one of the representative works of modern and contemporary Korean architecture. He gave lectures titled <Construction and Cultural Significance of Architecture> and <Justice and the City> as part of the <Seoul National University Knowledge and Liberal Arts Lecture – The Key to Thought, A Thousand Keywords> series on Naver TV. He is currently writing a book titled <Justice and the City.> In collaboration with the members of the <Architectural and Urban Theory Research Lab>, he is involved in various projects related to architectural and urban theory. These include studying the evolution of modern and contemporary Korean architecture and urbanism; planning and designing communal housing for low-income populations in Korea, China, and Japan that serve as institutions for non-familial community activation; and examining the changing nature of infrastructural institutions such as correctional facilities and cremation services, the correlated transformation of urban spatial structure and the future scenarios of the institutions. He is also researching urban transformation of spatial structures in megacities, and the development of alternative urban models.

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