Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
People Faculty & Staff

Jaewon Suh



Jaewon Suh


건축설계스튜디오 4-1

Architectural Design Studio 4-1

2013 - 현재 (주)에이오에이 아키텍츠 건축사사무소 대표
2003 -2013 진아건축도시 건축사사무소 디자인 디렉터
2017 젊은건축가상수상, '올해의 주목할 만한 건축가'
2016 - 2021 한양대 서울캠퍼스 건축학부/대학원 설계스튜디오 겸임교수

단국대 건축공학과와 경기대 건축전문대학원을 졸업하고 진아건축도시에서 디자인 디렉터를 역임하였다.
2013년에 에이오에이 아키텍츠 건축사사무소를 설립하고 단독주택부터 서울시민주도학습 플랫폼 공모 당선 등 다양한 작업을 이어오고 있으며,
2009년부터 2021년까지 한양대, 서울시립대, 단국대에서 설계스튜디오를 진행하였다.
2017년에 젊은 건축가상을, 2022년에 TSK Critic Fellowship을 수상하였다.

2013 - Present Principal of aoa architects
2003 -2013 Design Director of Jina Architectural Office
2017 the winner of Korean Young Architect Award, 'Notable Architect of the Year'
2016 - 2021 Adjunct Professor at Hanyang University School of Architecture

After graduating from the Department of Architectural Engineering at Dankook University and the Graduate School of Architecture at Kyonggi University, he worked as a design director at Jina Architects.
In 2013, aoa architects was established, and has been carrying out various projects, from single family houses to winning the competition of Seoul Citizen Learning Platform.
From 2009 to 2021, he taught design studios at Hanyang University, University of Seoul, and Dankook University.
He won the Korean Young Architect Award in 2017 and the TSK Critic Fellowship in 2022.

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