Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
People Faculty & Staff

Joon Ma



Joon Ma


건축설계스튜디오 4-1

Architectural Design Studio 4-1

마준혁 소장은 one-aftr의 공동 설립자이자 건축가, 교육자이다. Davidson College 인류학 학사학위를, Princeton University에서 건축학 석사학위를 받았으며 석사 논문상인 Suzanne Kolarik Underwood Prize를 수상했다. OMA/AMO 에서 실무 경험을 쌓았으며, 2018년 두바이 엑스포 한국관 파이널리스트, 오스트리아 비엔나에 마스터 플랜 공모전 준우승, 2021년 베니스비엔날레 전시, 그리고 2023년 서울마루 공공개입 당선등 다양한 수상 이력이 있다. 그가 쓴 글은 Rumor (Princeton), Paprika (Yale), 그리고 Pool (UCLA) 와 같은 건축 잡지에 게재되었다. Syracuse University와 Virginia Tech에 출강했으며 현재 서울대학교 TSK Visiting Critic 이다.

Joon Ma is a designer, educator, and co-founder of one-aftr. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Davidson College and a Master of Architecture from Princeton University, where he received the Suzanne Kolarik Underwood Prize for his thesis. His work has garnered international recognition, including a runner-up in Europan 15 Vienna, shortlisting for the Dubai World Expo Korean Pavilion, and exhibition at the Venice Biennale. He won the Seoul Maru Public Intervention 2023. His written work has been published in Rumor (Princeton), Paprika! (Yale), and Pool (UCLA). Before co-founding one-aftr, he worked at OMA/AMO Rotterdam. He has previously taught at Syracuse University and Virginia Tech University and currently serves as the TSK Visiting Critic at Seoul National University.

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