Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Activities Events

SNUDAAE autumn lecture series 2023_"Cerdà and the Barcelona of the future. Reality versus design & The territory and its rights"_JOAQUÍN SABATÉ BEL & MIQUEL COROMINAS


2023 Autumn SNU DAAE Lecture Series
"The territory and its rights"


2023.11.29.수요일 16시

Wen, 29th November, 2023
16:00 (KST)


서울대학교 4층 소우재홀

Seoul National University, 4th Floor, Building 39, Sowoojae Hall


강연자 소개 :
Professor of Urban Planning at the Department of Urban Planning and Territorial Planning (DUOT-UPC), Barcelona School of Architecture ETSAB (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunaya)


Lecture Title :
"The territory and its rights"
The territory is not just a simple support, but a subject with rights, and as such we must understand it, know it and take care of it. We suggest a decalogue of criteria to face this challenge.

"Cerdà and the Barcelona of the future. Reality versus design"
The plan Cerdà was the modern development in response to the need of the new industrial city of the 19th century. It is currently the most populated and concentrated core of the city and its Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.






venenatis, massa ante. ut lectus tempus Donec