Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Activities Notice

SNU DAAE Public Lecture Series Fall 2021


1. 일시/ Time

09. 29 - 12. 01 매주 수요일 오후 7:00 (총 10회)

every Wednesdays at 19:00 (10-time)




2. 강연자 및 강연 제목/ Speaker and Topic

09. 29 Yung Ho Chang, Atelier FCJZ: Recent Works

10. 06 Ann-Sofi Rönnskog, John Palmesino, Territorial Agency: Sensible Zone

10. 13 Michael Jakob: Faux Mountain

10. 20 Chatpong Chuenrudeemol, Chat Architects: Bangkok Bastards

10. 27 Eleonora Carrano: Open-air Schools

11. 03 Catherine Lassen: Utzon, Leplastrier, Murcutt: House as Experiment, Australia

11. 10 Sohyun Park: (smart) city questions at neighborhood (planning) scales

11. 17 Marilyne Andersen: Daylightful Indoors

11. 24 James Carpenter: Light in the Public Realm

12. 01 Fernando Menis: Hatching

* 사회: 최춘웅 (서울대 건축학과 교수)

Moderator: Choon Choi (Professor, Seoul National University) & Jeffrey S. Nesbit




3. 강연 정보

2021 서울대학교 세계선도 중점학과 육성사업 온라인 초청강연

파트너 서울도시건축비엔날레 게스트시티전 2021. 09. 16 – 10. 31 (10. 27 강연까지)

In Partnership with SEOUL BIENNALE OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM 2021. 09. 16 – 10. 31


* ZOOM과 YouTube에서 중계

The events will be cast on ZOOM and SNUDAAE’s YouTube channel


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