학부 신입생 학생카드 및 자기소개서
Undergraduate freshman student card and self introduction
대학원 논문지도교수 변경 신청서
Application for changing Graduate student's thesis advisor
개인대체교과목 신청서
Application for Individual Alternative Courses
Graduation application
Application for Postponement of Graduation
현장실습 신청서 및 실습일지
field-work application form and journal
건축공학 전공자 졸업논문양식(학부과정)
Architectural Engineering Student Graduation Thesis Form (Undergraduate course)
졸업인터뷰 및 졸업생 설문조사
Graduation Interview and Graduate Survey
2016년 2학기 학부과목 및 타 전공 이수 승인신청서(대학원)
Application for Approval of Undergraduate Courses and Other Majors for Fall Semester 2016 (Graduate student)
설계교과목 (역수강, 중복수강) 신청서
Application for Design Courses (Reverse and Duplicate Courses)