Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Activities Events

2024 SNU-MOKCHON Lecture


2024년 제5회 SNU-MOKCHON LECTURE에 많은 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다.

SNU-MOKCHON LECTURE는 목천문화재단 김정식 이사장님의 기부기금을 바탕으로 서울대학교 건축학과가 주관하여 영향력 있는 아시아의 신흥 건축가를 초청하여 개최하는 강연회입니다. 올해는 그 5회째로, 튀르키예의 건축가 SO?를 초청하여 강연회 자리를 갖습니다.

SO? (Sevince Bayrak and Oral Göktaş)

서울대학교 미술관 오디토리움
2024. 4.18.(목) 17:00-19:00

건축가와의 대화
경영위치 건축사사무소
2024. 4.19.(금) 17:00-19:00

서울대학교 건축학과

목천김정식문화재단/「SPACE(공간)」/사단법인 한국건축역사학회/서울대학교 미술관/경영위치건축사사무소/미국건축사협회 한국지부

서울대학교 건축학과 양진영
010-3119-9330 |



We kindly ask for your interest and participation in the 2024 SNU-MOKCHON LECTURE.
The SNU-MOKCHON LECTURE is a lecture series organized by Seoul National University Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, based on the donation fund of Chairman Kim Jung-sik of the Mokcheon Cultural Foundation. Through this fund we invite emerging and influential Asian architects to give a public lecture. This year marks the 5th event, and we are pleased to invite the architects SO? from Turkiye to share their ideas on Istanbul, where they have been based for the last 20 years.

SO? (Sevince Bayrak and Oral Göktaş)

Lecture: 「ADDICTION」
MOA, Seoul National University, Seoul
2024. 4.18.(Thu) 17:00-19:00

Conversation with the Architect
KYWC Architects
2024. 4.19.(Fri) 17:00-19:00

Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University

Mokchon Kim Jung Sik Foundation
Korea Association for Architectural History
Museum of Art Seoul National University
KYWC Architects
AIA South Korea

Jin-young Yang
010-3119-9330 |


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