Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Academics Curriculum

도시와 주거

Urbanism and Housing

수업 목표
Class Policy

Students will study theories, history, and contemporary issues in urbanism and housing planning in South Korea. Housing developments, new towns, urban renewal projects, historic civic center debates, and other urban issues will be introduced and discussed in their social contexts. Students will be develop their own critical perspectives on urbanism and housing in South Korea. This course consists of lectures, field study, and students’ research project. Main topics are below:


- Concepts and contexts of urban design (and planning)

- Urban form methodologies

- Contemporary issues in urban design and housing planning

- Urban design policies and implementation tools


The course website can be found at:


Unjungcheon and open space in Pangyo, Seongnam-si (Kang 2020)

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