Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Academics Curriculum

건축구조해석 및 응용

Structural Analysis & Applications

수업 목표
Class Policy

구조물의 기본적인 해석 방법을 고찰하고 에너지 방법에 의한 해석방법을 강의한다. 매트릭스 해석법, 유한요소법의 기초를 다룬다.

In this advanced on lecture on analysis of building, the structural analysis and plastic analysis through the energy method are traced and the beam analysis on the elastic foundation and plate analysis are introduced also.


Lecture contents : concept of stiffness matrix analysis for line element structures such as trusses and moment frames.

-Introduction to Matrix Analysis

-Technique for Matrix calculations

-Linear analysis of trusses

-Linear analysis of moment frames

-Variational Principles (Energy method)

-Geometric nonlinear analysis of truss and frame

-Material Nonlinear analysis

-Solution of linear algebraic equations

-Solution of nonlinear equilibrium equations

-Computer program for truss and frame analysis

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