Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Academics Curriculum


Energy and Building

수업 목표
Class Policy

건축기계설비 시스템의 기초 공학이론을 숙지함으로써 장차 건축기계설비 엔지니어링과 관련한 교과목을 이해하기 위한 기초지식을 터득할 뿐 아니라, 전기 및 소방, 건축시공 및 구조 등의 엔지니어링 업무를 수행하기 위한 기초지식을 습득한다. 열역학적 성질, 열역학 제1법칙과 제2법칙, 열역학 사이클, 습공기선도, 전도열전달, 대류열전달, 복사열전달, 증발 및 수분이동, 건물 냉난방 부하 및 에너지 해석 등과 같은 건축물과 냉난방 시스템의 열역학 및 열전달적인 기본개념을 배우고, HVAC 시스템 및 자동제어 시스템 등과 같이 실제 기계설비에서의 응용을 배운다.

This course focuses on understanding the basic concept and engineering theory of mechanical systems in buildings so as to provide students not only with the elementary knowledge required for advanced courses in mechanical system engineering, but also with the basic information for the engineering consulting in electrical system & fire protection, structural design and construction. Main topics include the following: concepts of engineering, basic principles of thermodynamic process, heat transfer, energy theory in buildings, and heating & cooling systems such as thermodynamic properties, first law of thermodynamics & second law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic cycles, psychrometric chart, conduction heat transfer, convection heat transfer, radiation heat transfer, evaporation and moisture transfer, and heating/cooling load & energy analysis in building. This course also covers the application methods of mechanical systems in buildings including HVAC systems and automatic control systems.



l Learn the fundamentals of building energy analysis: building physics (conduction, convection, radiation), internal heat gains, infiltration, ventilation, fenestration, occupant behavior)

l Learn cooling and heating load calculation principles and methods for nonresidential buildings

l Understand the impact of architectural design variables on building energy use. 

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